
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

His Year of Giving

I follow @shakc on Twitter. He always shares really nice articles, and yesterday was no different (thanks Twitter pal *smile*). Here it is:

The article speaks about a guy, recently out of work, who decides to give away $10 a day to perfect strangers. Yep, he roams the streets around his neighborhood, looks for someone who catches his eye, gives away money, and then blogs about it. How awesome is that!! Here is his blog:

Reed seems to be having a lot of fun with this. He asks each person what their plans are for that $10 bill, and it's so interesting to see the responses - from donations to charity to cups of coffee. Besides the satisfaction that comes with any nice gesture, our gift-giver here gets to watch his philanthropic efforts inspire other people to do good.

Have you seen the Liberty Mutual commercial with the circle of good deeds? Of course I have the link for you..

The sap in me got really emotional after reading through Reed's blog. I may not have $10 to give away to a stranger every day (or the gall to walk up to randoms with my video camera), but we all have some responsibility to make a difference while we're here. The death of Dorthy Height, and the highlights of her life shared all day yesterday, show us the potential this responsibility holds.

So what does Tammy plan to do to contribute a little extra to society? Not quite sure yet, but I'm thankful that Reed has me thinking about it..

What about you?

-- TamSam

Posted from my cute, purple clad, iPhone while in bed at 6:25 in the morning. A nightmare that remarkably resembled an episode of 24 interrupted my sleep, and this blog post is the end result (so cut me some slack for typos, grammatical errors, and the like lol).