Quick disclaimer: bird on the right really meant WTH!?? Please excuse his french.
If I was a superhero.. err superheroin, my superpower would definitely be to read minds. Why waste energy with superhuman strength to catch bad guys, when I could just read the bad guy's mind, call the police, and watch a Netflix movie while they handle their business?? Well, I kinda sorta got my wish with the creation of twitter.
Unless you live under a rock like the dudes in the Geico commercial, (Geico) you've heard about how people are using twitter to share anything they'd like, with anyone who will listen. Furthermore, you know that whenever people are allowed to actually be themselves, and broadcast it to the world, extra-ordinary things happen. I've been an avid tweeter (@tammysam) until I decided to fast from twitter for the first 40 days of the year (I'll explain that in another post). There are a few things I've missed while I was gone..
Randomness: Everybody has little quiet thoughts that pass through their head during the day, and twitter gives us a place to shout them out. For example, if you've ever wondered why Mike Tirico looks like he has on eyeshadow, @LLCoolChels is bound to validate your thoughts with a raised eyebrow at Mike. Then there will be the times when @nevertha1 tweets lyrics to a song you've never heard of, by an equally obscure artist. But because those lyrics are speaking to your mood, you'll google away, and download your new fav album. And I can't forget @Bri_Cooley and her pics of the strange humans she runs into on public transportation lol. I never know what my timeline is going to look like from hour to hour, much less day to day. And if at any point it gets too predictable, I can always unfollow a couple boring people and pick up some new firecrackers to add to the pot! The best part - they have to spit it out in 140 characters or less.. no Facebook-like soliloquies here :)
News: Judge me all you'd like, but twitter was my source for breaking news. Sure, I check the RSS feeder at night, and catch Keith Olbermann (*tear* I miss you @KeithOlbermann) while eating dinner, but the quick stuff came from twitter. It was twitter that told me MJ died, and twitter that alerted me of Ron Ron's trade to LA. Twitter even had first pics of the Discovery Channel building's gunman in Silver Spring. Information moves quickly through twitter.
Dialogue: Twitter provides a snapshot (not always entirely accurate, but a snapshot nonetheless) of what society thinks. Read a feed while the Grammy's are on tv, or the President is making a speech. It's crazy what you will read sometimes. Like I said, whenever we are given room to be ourselves, especially with some level of anonymity, anything is likely to happen. Getting a taste of opinion that ranges from the well-informed to the ignorant, politically correct to the blunt, gives form
to the ideas I carry in my head about societal behavior. And when it doesn't do that, at least I'll be able to LOL at the foolishness.
So now I return to virtual people watching, a.k.a twitter. What I miss??
P.S - twitter is also great for comedic relief, sports commentary, and questionable relationship advice... if that's your cup of tea lol
-- TamSam
Posted from my purple-clad iPhone 4 moments before my first tweet in 40 days pops up! *smile*
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