I turned 32 yesterday *insert fireworks, singing, and your present to me here*.
It's 32, not 40, and yet I found myself doing that whole "taking stock of one's life" bit. Crazy, right? I've had this weird sense of urgency since my birthday, to make sure I'm not wasting time. Maybe I've read one too many top ten articles on how to make the most of life. Or maybe, this is just part and parcel of getting older. Nevertheless, here I am, assessing all the chambers of my life, measuring my contentedness and happiness against some undefined measuring tape. Yea, I'm that girl *eyeroll*.
Broadly speaking, I am happy with my life. I have a pretty awesome husband, and a son who is probably the most amazing child ever (see picture for a peek at his splendor). Work is going well. I'm settling into ministry. I can pay my bills, and still buy a pair of shoes here and there. Life is good.
However, I've always wondered if I have a passion that I'm not taping into. Am I already plugged into what should be my passion, but not in the manner that God intended? Or is there something totally different out there that I haven't even discovered about myself? Should my passion begin and end with my family? Am I missing out on some glorious fulfillment as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, comedian (yea right Tam)?
My introspection led me to google, as most things do. I came across several articles with suggestions on narrowing down your purpose and passion, but this one was particularly intriguing. I like the idea of asking myself questions, and seeing my path to discovery develop organically. One of the questions the article suggested I ask myself is: "What do your friends and family know you for, or rely on you for?". This was the only question that took into account the opinion of outsiders. So, because I really have no idea what the answer to the question is, and because this is bound to be fun, I figured I'd ask a few people in my life to answer it for me. Hopefully I can trust the people closest to me to be brutally honest lol. Let's see what they think..
I shall report my findings back here (unless of course the findings are unsavory; in that case, ill change the topic and act like this post never happened). Same bat time. Same bat channel.
--Tam Sam
written while listening to this old Jason Mraz album - mostly inspired by this Sesame Street video in my son's YouTube playlist.
Broadly speaking, I am happy with my life. I have a pretty awesome husband, and a son who is probably the most amazing child ever (see picture for a peek at his splendor). Work is going well. I'm settling into ministry. I can pay my bills, and still buy a pair of shoes here and there. Life is good.
However, I've always wondered if I have a passion that I'm not taping into. Am I already plugged into what should be my passion, but not in the manner that God intended? Or is there something totally different out there that I haven't even discovered about myself? Should my passion begin and end with my family? Am I missing out on some glorious fulfillment as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, comedian (yea right Tam)?
My introspection led me to google, as most things do. I came across several articles with suggestions on narrowing down your purpose and passion, but this one was particularly intriguing. I like the idea of asking myself questions, and seeing my path to discovery develop organically. One of the questions the article suggested I ask myself is: "What do your friends and family know you for, or rely on you for?". This was the only question that took into account the opinion of outsiders. So, because I really have no idea what the answer to the question is, and because this is bound to be fun, I figured I'd ask a few people in my life to answer it for me. Hopefully I can trust the people closest to me to be brutally honest lol. Let's see what they think..
I shall report my findings back here (unless of course the findings are unsavory; in that case, ill change the topic and act like this post never happened). Same bat time. Same bat channel.
--Tam Sam
written while listening to this old Jason Mraz album - mostly inspired by this Sesame Street video in my son's YouTube playlist.
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